
Software for AI-Based Pick-and-Place

AI-Based Grasping and Oriented Placement of 'Unseen' Objects

The rc_reason ItemPickAI software enables the efficient separation and oriented placement of so-called ‘unseen’ objects – i.e. objects that the system has not explicitly learned by teaching models or seen in training data beforehand.

This AI-based solution for robotic pick-and-place applications with suction grippers calculates aligned grasp poses for a suction gripper on unknown, deformable objects of a certain category. These objects can come in chaotic boxes or load carriers, and both mixed and unmixed configurations are possible.

During commissioning, only the object category (e.g. ‘bag’) and the size of the gripper’s suction cup need to be selected. These parameters can be flexibly adapted to new conditions at any time. This means that pick-and-place applications such as picking and (de)palletizing can be implemented efficiently within a very short time frame, even without expert knowledge in the field of AI or image processing.

The rc_reason ItemPickAI module runs offboard with any 3D sensor via Roboception’s rc_cube and is configured and read out via the standard interface. ItemPickAI calculates a configurable number of grasp poses for a suction device on all identified objects within a predefined workspace.

  • Initial identification of the load carrier for definition of container
  • Reliable segmentation even of deformable objects in an object category, and calculation of oriented grasp poses for an oriented placement
  • Currently supported object category ‘bag’ with various volumes and fill levels, e.g. bag packaging, small packages, shipping bags, paper bags, sacks; other categories in preparation
  • Works with static sensors or sensors mounted on the robot arm
  • Ready for immediate use: Easy to install and operate

Details on the ItemPickAI Software for AI-Based Pick-and-Place

Robust segmentation of objects with uneven surfaces and varying, deformable content is made possible by the use of neural networks. This ensures that a grasp point is always placed in the center of the segmented objects. In addition, the orientation of the object is determined to enable an oriented placement.

As the size of the selected suction device can be defined individually, the ItemPickAI software can be used with any standard suction gripper.

The working area is defined either automatically (e.g. by recognizing a container) or manually (by defining the area of interest). Sample programs facilitate integration with robot controllers.

For ItemPickAI applications, the use of the rc_randomdot projector is recommended, especially when load carriers need to be detected within the pick process.

Additional information about the ItemPickAI Software for AI-Based Pick-and-Place

Hardware requirements

Compatible 3D stereo sensor, requires use of rc_cube
Robot system equipped with gripping device (suction gripper)
Recommended: rc_randomdot projector

Grasp computation timeGrasp point computation time <1 second (depending on object and scene)

Suitable Hardware for ItemPickAI

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