rc_cube Industrial Edge Computer
Maximize Performance of Your Robot Vision Application with the rc_cube Industrial Edge Computer

The rc_cube I is the industrial edge computer for your rc_visard or rc_viscore: it enhances the performance of the rc_reason modules and is especially useful for industrial applications requiring high-speed image processing and/or the use of multiple sensors.
The rc_cube I industrial edge computer, designed for use in industrial environments, supports all rc_visard/ rc_reason modules with the exception of dynamic applications (e.g. navigation) and allows e.g. stereo matching at 25 Hz. (12.5 Hz. for full resolution stereo). The latency of the ItemPick and BoxPick modules is reduced to only 250-450 milliseconds. The IPC housing is perfectly suited for production environments.
The rc_cube I industrial edge computer can be combined with any rc_visard, monochrome and color, or rc_viscore. The rc_cube I has four Gigabit Ethernet ports for connecting up to four sensors. Please note that the rc_cube I does not come with a power supply. A separate 24V/ 20Amp power supply (e.g. DIN rail) is required.
Roboception’s UserSpace module allows users to deploy custom software on Roboception’s hardware using Docker containers. The UserSpace is particularly useful for collision-free motion planning, Industry 4.0 applications, vision pipelines or application programs, while saving our users from having to purchase additional hardware to implement these custom software tools.
The REST API and gRPC interfaces can be used within the UserSpace to obtain grasp points and image data, giving access to all activated rc_reason modules and connected sensors. The UserSpace is available free of charge on the rc_cube I and rc_visard NG.
For testing and development purposes, we offer a smaller version of the rc_cube edge computer: rc_cube S. The rc_cube S is suitable for research, development and testing environments. It supports one sensor without additional hardware. A separate 2.5G switch (not part of the product scope) enables the support of two rc_visards or one rc_viscore at a time. The TPLink TL-SG105-M2 is an example of a suitable switch. For operational use in an industrial environment, or to support up to four sensors, please make sure to use an rc_cube I.
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