Roboception is actively engaged in research and innovation, cooperates with Universities and Research Institutions is involved in strengthening the robotic competences across Europe. In addition to actively coordinating the Topic Group “Perception” in euRobotics aisbl, Roboception is involved in publicly funded projects on national (BFS, BMWi, BMBF) and European level.
Robotics, especially in the area of social interaction between humans and machines, is increasingly seen as a key technology that plays an important role in creating value and improving working conditions in various sectors such as industry, services, medicine and private life. A research network called FORSocialRobots, funded by the Bavarian Research Foundation, aims to improve the social capabilities of robots and develop new applications in six relevant areas and five scientific subprojects to increase their acceptance and effectiveness.
AutASa focuses on enhancing efficiency by integrating intelligent robotic assistance in semi-autonomous waste disposal, empowering humans to leverage their cognitive skills for a more productive collaboration with assistive robots.
Manual and automated production lines must evolve to “produce more and diverse with less”, however they need to address shortcomings such as e.g. lack of cognitive perception systems to allow autonomous reasoning. SMARTHANDLE will research technologies to address these needs and support European industry.
KI5GRob addresses in a new way how machine learning can be efficiently used in robotics by tightly linking cloud technologies and robotics in a tight control loop, and how the concept pursued can fundamentally simplify the programming and maintenance of robotic systems.
The 5gsmartfact project (Future Wireless Connected and Automated Industry Enabled by 5G) is to study, develop, optimize and assess the deployment of 5G networks factory environments and automation applications.
The focus of the KI4HE project is on improved environmental perception, self-localization, and assisted remote control of vehicles in hard-to-reach difficult-to-access environments.
Roboception is actively engaged in research and innovation. For that reason, we are creating publicly available data sets.
Synthetic dataset for learning parallel-jaw grasping from stereo images: includes four different datasets, with automatically labelled training data for predicting parallel jaw grasps from stereo-matched depth images. For more details, please refer to the publication:
“Automatic generation of realistic training data for learning parallel-jaw grasping from synthetic stereo images”
Justus Drögemüller, Carlos X. Garcia, Elena Gambaro, Michael Suppa, Jochen Steil, Maximo A. Roa.
Proc. IEEE Int Conf. On Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2021.
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